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EC Middle School Students Excel in Writing Competition

Last Thursday, April 17, over 75 students and parents crowded into ‘Well Read’ in Hawthorne, NJ to celebrate the work of our Eastern Christian Middle School student authors. The evening event unveiled the winners of the 2014 Short Story Competition and allowed for all students to read excerpts of their fictional work. Curated by Mrs. Kuehlke…

Going the Extra Mile with EC’s International Families

Most of us have a picture of parent-teacher conferences: full-size adults,  in kid-size chairs talking about a student’s progress in a 15-minute time slot. Even when international students are studying half-a-world away from their parents, Eastern Christian still does parent-teacher conferences.  They look very different, though. Imagine a parent-teacher conference: a few blocks from the…

A Combined Love for Music — Eastern Christian School and Lexington Christian Academy

Ms. Mary Bulger, director of Lexington Christian Academy's select vocal ensemble, led her students on a tour to Philadelphia and stopped to spend the day celebrating music at the Eastern Christian campuses. In one month, Eastern Christian Honors Choir will tour the Boston area and spend the morning at LCA. The combined choirs from LCA and…

There’s Something Special Going On

You may have heard or read in the recent edition of The Herald that Eastern Christian was recently named a New Jersey State School of Character. EC is one of a select group of only forty schools and four school districts nationwide to be named State Schools of Character on the basis of a series…

Transforming the World Through EC Missions

More than 50 Eastern Christian High School students used their spring break vacation to participate in short term missions trips. Partnering with Touch the World, Eastern Christian sent teams to Uganda, Puerto Rico and Lynn, MA, as part of its Experiencing Missions program. There were also several students who went to Ghana through LinC youth…

EC Selected as a 2014 New Jersey District of Character

Eastern Christian has been selected as a 2014 New Jersey District of Character by the New Jersey Alliance for Social, Emotional, and Character Development (NJASECD). The state recognized eight schools and two districts, choosing schools after a comprehensive application and evaluation process. Across the country, 44 schools and four school districts were recognized for excellence in…

New Logo, Same Vision for Eastern Christian

They Will Soar on Wings Like Eagles... We are excited to introduce Eastern Christian’s new logo. The new logo, our first in more than twenty five years, is based upon three themes that tell of God’s faithfulness to our school throughout its 122 year history. The eagle at the center of the shield refers to the…

ECSA is Going National

On March 8th, we received great news in an email from Dr. Russ Sojourner, National Director of Schools of Character, Character Education Partnership. The email began with the following words: "CONGRATULATIONS! Your school has been named a 2014 National Schools of Character Finalist!" The Character Education Partnership (CEP), a national advocate and leader for the…

How Are We Doing?

The late Ed Koch, Mayor of New York City from 1977 to 1989, was famous for asking his constituents, the residents of the five boroughs, "How'm I doing?" During the recent annual meeting of the Eastern Christian School, our members gathered to approve Eastern Christian's 2014-15 budget and to consider the question, "How are we…

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